Hispanic Buying Power Reaches 1.5 Trillion Dollars

The United States is currently the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world. It is projected that by 2015 the collective buying power of US Hispanics will equal 1/10th of the current US economy – that’s 1.5 Trillion dollars! American companies and even politicians are responding to the news by advertising in Spanish on radio, television and online platforms. However, if not done carefully a translated message can accidentally offend your Hispanic customers, rather than engaging them in their native tongue.

Psychologically speaking, Hispanic customers feel more loyal towards brands who take the time and resources to speak to them in their own language. Taking the time to hire a translator that speaks Spanish as a native language will help to ensure that your company’s efforts at advertising to the Hispanic population are successful and produce a return on investment. We can help ensure some of the Hispanic Buying Power goes to your company.

Check out this video from CCTV America about the growing buying power of US Hispanics.

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